Studentenwohnhaus Ludwigstraße 74: Ihr neues Zuhause in Leipzig

Das Studentenwohnhaus in der Ludwigstraße 74 bietet 43 vermietbare Zimmer in 19 Wohnungen. Ideal für immatrikulierte Studenten in Leipzig. Kontaktieren Sie uns, um über verfügbare Zimmer informiert zu werden und Ihr neues Zuhause zu finden. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage!

5/8/20241 min read

A young woman with long blonde hair stands in front of a multi-story residential building. The structure has a worn appearance with visible concrete and graffiti on the lower part. Several windows, some open and some closed, line the building's facade. The grass in the foreground is lush and green, contrasting with the muted tones of the building.
A young woman with long blonde hair stands in front of a multi-story residential building. The structure has a worn appearance with visible concrete and graffiti on the lower part. Several windows, some open and some closed, line the building's facade. The grass in the foreground is lush and green, contrasting with the muted tones of the building.

Studentenwohnhaus Leipzig